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Inclusiveness in the Higher Education Design System

An international consortium that aims to create and spread a more inclusive and accessible way of teaching and learning design. Discover our journey through equality, diversity and inclusion!

May 2024

The Teacher Training Course

Initiation of advanced training for educators and students, focusing on effective implementation of inclusive practices in European Art and Design Academies.

January 2024

The Consortium Paper

A landmark publication highlighting the consortium's commitment to inclusivity in design within European Higher Education, outlining key objectives, role of partners, methodologies, and anticipated outcomes.

November 2023

DESIG*ness starts!

The project officially begins, marking the commencement of collaborative efforts among partners to integrate inclusivity principles into European academic environments.


Driving Change through Equality and Inclusion

Discover the fifth milestone on our roadmap, as we continue to drive change and create a more equal and inclusive society.

We are proud to be an international and cross-disciplinar consortium.